What You can do with an Ebroidery machineAmerican needlework has a rich history stemming all the way back to the 1700s.

Young girls learned to embroider as early as age five, and they actually used these crafts to learn their numbers and letters by sewing them onto their creations!

Embroidery is still a widely popular hobby, and there have been a lot of advancements made. There are a lot of new technologies that can be used for it. Embroidery machines are an amazing technology that can make creating easier and more efficient.

If you are a newbie to using one of these machines, you’re probably wondering what to do with your embroidery machine.

Well, fear not! We’re here to help.

Learn What To Do With Your Embroidery Machine

Of course, the very first thing you need to do with your new embroidery machine is to learn to use it. Even if you’re a master of embroidering by hand, machine embroidery has its own set of new challenges and new fun.

Plus, every brand of machine is different, so there’s a lot to figure out and master.

Make sure that all the parts of the machine are adjusted and secure before you start to use it.

If you don’t do this, it might not run or work as it’s supposed to. Worse, it might fall apart halfway through what you’re doing and ruin your project.

It’s also important to make sure the needle is set correctly. You also need to know how to operate its parts and make it run. Just do your research on how your embroidery machine works and you’ll be fine!

Experiment With Styles

Embroidery PatternsIf you’re reading this, you probably already know that embroidery is a great outlet to express your creativity. There are so man styles and designs on infinite surfaces that you can create that it can get overwhelming, in the best possible way!

Once you’ve figured out the mechanics behind how to operate your machine, you can start to experiment with patterns, styles, and colors in this fun new way.

Get some different color thread or buy a pattern off Etsy. Think about possibly trying something new that you’ve always wanted to make but struggled to do by hand.

With an embroidery machine, the possibilities you can create are endless! To get started, check out some ideas on Pinterest for what you might want to make.

Take An Embroidery Class

Another really fun thing you can do is to take an embroidery class. We are offering free classes this month, each with a different teacher who has a unique skill set. Don’t wait and miss the fun!

An embroidery class can help you learn new skills that you never would have even thought of on your own. It can not only help your embroidery skills but can expose you to new things you love.

Happy Creating!

Embroidery is a lot of fun because it lets you experiment with styles and try new things.

Now that you know what to do with your embroidery machine, check out our FAQs to learn more.

Happy creating!